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Table 3 Patient and implant-related characteristics

From: The All-on-four concept for fixed full-arch rehabilitation of the edentulous maxilla and mandible: a longitudinal study in Japanese patients with 3–17-year follow-up and analysis of risk factors for survival rate


n = 561 (%)




n = 287 (51.2)


n = 274 (48.8)

Age at placement, mean (SD)

57.2 (10.4)

Observation period, mean (SD)

105.7 (44.5)




n = 200 (35.7)


n = 361 (64.3)

Systemic disease



n = 332 (59.2)


n = 19 (3.4)


n = 4 (0.7)

 Circulatory diseases

n = 93 (16.6)


n = 14 (2.5)


n = 99 (17.6)


n = 2364 (%)




1324 (56.0)


1040 (44.0)

Implant systems


 Nobel speedy groovy

1925 (81.4)

 Straumann bone level tapered

278 (11.8)

 Nobel parallel CC

52 (2.2)

 Nobel replace tapered groovy

50 (2.1)

 Brånemark system Mk IV TiUnite

32 (1.4)

 Nobel replace tapered

23 (1.0)

 Nobel active

4 (0.2)

Implant angulation



1242 (52.5)


1122 (47.5)

Implant length (mm)


 < 10 mm

54 (2.3)

 10 mm ≤ , < 15 mm

615 (26.0)

 15 mm ≤ , < 18 mm

699 (29.6)

 18 mm ≤ 

996 (42.1)

  1. *Combined: systemic disease combination of diabetes and circulatory disease (n = 13); osteoporosis and circulatory disease (n = 1)
  2. **For example, dyslipidemia, asthma, thyroid disease