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Table 1 Patient selection inclusion and exclusion criteria

From: The effect of leukocyte- and platelet-rich fibrin on the bone loss and primary stability of implants placed in posterior maxilla: a randomized clinical trial

Inclusion criteria

Exclusion criteria

18 years old (minimum age)

Patients with untreated, periodontal diseases

Systemic health (ASA I, II)

Diabetes or any other metabolic condition that affects bone metabolism

Adequate oral care

Pregnancy or lactation

Stable occlusion

Immunosuppressive drugs or corticosteroids use

Adequate bone height and width at the surgical site (at least 7 mm width and 11 mm height)

History of radiotherapy or chemotherapy

Adequate mesiodistal and interocclusal spaces in the edentulous area

Prior history of sinus lift or bone augmentation

At least six months must have passed following tooth extraction

Primary stability less than 25 Ncm during fixture placement