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Fig. 4 | International Journal of Implant Dentistry

Fig. 4

From: Platelet-rich plasma alone is unable to trigger contact osteogenesis on titanium implant surfaces

Fig. 4

Representative histological images (haematoxylin and eosin staining) of bone formation around the SLA Ti implants and the turned Ti tubes. A Ti tube-only condition. Normal bone (grey stain) healing on the turned outer surface is shown (white arrowheads). Inside the tube, however, little bone formation was observed, even 4 weeks after implant insertion into the rabbit tibia. B Ti tube + implant condition. Little or no bone formation was observed between the Ti tube and the Ti implant. Most of the area between the tube and the implant was filled with blood and bone marrow (purple stain). C With no Ti tube (implant-only condition), normal bone formation was observed around the SLA Ti implants. Scale bars = 500 μm

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