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Table 1 Inclusion and exclusion criteria

From: Patient’s perception of recovery after maxillary sinus floor augmentation with autogenous bone graft compared with composite grafts: a single-blinded randomized controlled trial

Inclusion criteria

 > 20 years

 Missing posterior maxillary tooth/teeth for more than 4 months

 Residual alveolar bone height at implant site (as measured on a cone beam computed tomography) ≥ 3 mm and ≤ 7 mm

 Width of the alveolar ridge ≥ 6.5 mm

 Mandibular occluding teeth

 Able to understand and sign informed consent

Exclusion criteria

 Contraindications to implant therapy

 Full mouth plaque score > 25%

 Progressive marginal periodontitis

 Acute infection in the area intended for implant placement

 Parafunction, bruxism, or clenching

 Psychiatric problems or unrealistic expectations

 Heavy tobacco use define as > 10 cigarettes per day

 Current pregnancy at the time of recruitment

 Physical handicaps that would interfere with the ability to perform adequate oral hygiene

 Inability or unwillingness to regularly attend the scheduled follow-up visits