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Table 5 Esthetic outcomes

From: Esthetic, mechanical, and biological outcomes of various implant abutments for single-tooth replacement in the anterior region: a systematic review of the literature



Esthetic outcomes

Galluci et al. 2011a [51]

Galluci et al. 2011b [52]


PH, CLt, Cli, KMi, KMt similar between groups (p > 0.05)

Significant increase in the mean PH (mesial and distal) between B and CI and between CI and 1 Y

Mean CLi between CI and 1 Y p > 0.05, between 1 Y and 2 Y significant recession

Mean KM p > 0.05 between groups

PES, WES between groups P > 0.05. PES was higher than WES (total score approximately 13)

Hosseini et al. 2011 [66]


Crown morphology between groups (p > 0.05)

Color match better for ceramic group (p = 0.03)

Mucosal dicoloration and PI p > 0.05 between groups (papilla index improvement from B to 1 Y in both groups)

Overall CIS between groups p > 0.05

Brandenberg et al. 2017 [48]

Modified PI

PI increased between B and 6 M and then slightly decreased (p > 0.05)

Implants lower PI than natural teeth (p < 0.05)

1mm recession in one implant (control)

Carrillo de Albornoz et al. 2014 [67]



ICAI-crown scores: satisfactory in t group, moderate in c group (p > 0.05)

ICAI-mucosa scores: improved color and surface of soft tissues with zirconia (p = 0.065)

Zirconia: higher PI (p = 0.053)

Patil et al. 2017 [62]


p > 0.05 between PES for t and c at B and 1 Y

PES slightly improved after 1 Y in both groups (p < 0.05)

p > 0.05 between PI of t and c (positive association between papillary fill and bone height between implant and tooth)

Baldini et al. 2016 [68]


ICAI-mucosa scores: higher at 1 M (p = 0.01) for zirconia group (improved color and surface of soft tissues).

Both groups: increase of PI between B and 12 M (p < 0.05)

Bittner et al. 2020 [65]


Mean recession at 6 M (p = 0.60): Pink, thin: 1.37 mm/pink, thick: 1.28 mm

Gray, thin: 1.99 mm/gray, thick: 1.13 mm

The recession and collapse showed no correlation to color

Wittneben et al. 2020 [59]

mPES and WES

1 Y: Mean PES: group A: 7/group B: 7.65

Mean WES: group A: 8.28/group B: 8.50

No difference over time

3 Y: Mean PES: group A: 7.76/group B: 7.32

Mean WES: group A: 8.88/group B: 8.56

PES higher between B and 3 Y for group A (p = 0.04)

Significant differences in implant crown length between B and 3 Y (p = 0.004) and 6 M and 3 Y (p = 0.012)

Amorfini et al. 2018 [73]

Implant crown/tooth crown index



Implant crown and tooth crown values similar between groups/p = 0.01 for intragroup changes in 10 Y

PI increased in both groups at 2 Y (p < 0.05) and then stabilized

PES 7.5 (SR), 7 (CR) (p > 0.05)

WES 7.9 (SR), 7.4 (CR) (p > 0.05)

Eisner et al. 2018 [49]

Modified PI

p > 0.05 for PI between groups at 3Y and for intragroup changes (c slight increase in PI/ t slight decrease in PI mesially)

No recession in t at 3Y/ in c recession at 3Y −0.11 mm (p = 0.02)

Thoma et al. 2018a [54]

Modified PI

Slight improvement in PI in both groups over time (p > 0.05) and no difference between groups

Crown height stable over time

MT slightly superior in SR group (p > 0.05)

Laass et al. 2019 [50]

Modified PI

mPI increased over time in the c and decreased in the t

Kraus et al. 2019 [57]

Modified PI

mPI: p > 0.31 between two groups

Median mucosal level changes were 0.0 mm at both SR and CR between B and 3 Y (p > 0.44)

  1. KMt width of the buccal keratinized mucosa (gingiva) at the adjacent teeth, CLt distance between the mid-facial gingival margin and the incisal edge of adjacent teeth, KMi width of the buccal keratinized mucosa at the implant site, Cli distance between the mid-facial gingival margin and the incisal edge of implant crown, PH papilla height, B baseline, Y year, M months, CR cemented restoration, SR screw retained restoration, CI crown insertion, t test, c control